hey everyone - it has been a very long time since I have posted... things have been busy, busy, busy... with the kids getting back to school, fall sports and all the other fun stuff that comes along with 3 kiddos... I have been using my Filofaxes and thank goodness for them!!! I would be lost without them... since we finally seem to be into our new routines, I was finally able to schedule sometime to sit down and blog... I will be posting at least 2 times a week... this is a goal that I have set for myself... it is good to have some goals... for my 1st post back I have an update of my Filofax... it is for week 41... Yikes!!! that is only 11 weeks left in 2013... where did the time go??? I am back to using my week on 2 pages layout in my personal Filofax... I am using the A5 family organizer, but I do not decorate that planner... here is a look at the week...
I went with a black & white theme this week... I also added some bats to the pages... I want to keep an ongoing theme of Halloween this month... here are some of the supplies that I used...
the washi tape, bat stickers and memento dew drop ink pad, I purchased at michael's. the muji stamp I ordered fro the muji usa website. that is the biggest bargain... it only cost $3.75... for those of you that are stampers know that that is a good price for a stamp...
I have also started using the Spiraldex system in addition to my weekly pages... here is how I set that up...
this photo is actually of two days from the previous week... look for an upcoming post on how I am using the spiraldex...
you can check out or weekly decoration video on our YouTube channel - teamfilofax719..
Have a great week!!!
Leslie :-)
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
filofax - week 34 completed
hey everyone... it has been crazy around here... the kids go back to school in 2 weeks and we are trying to cram in as much summer fun as possible... I finally had some time to sit down and decorate for the upcoming week... I found this really cute tape for Scotch brand when we were shopping for school supplies at Staples... I just HAD to use it right away... here is my decoration for my week in my A5 Original...
I added some of the Martha Stewart dew drops that I also picked up at Staples...I got the idea from Mary Drab to use the dew drops for reoccurring appointments or activities... this seems to be working well for me... here is how the layout looks for my personal Finsbury...
you may have noticed that I changed the inserts in my personal Filofax from a week on 2 pages to a week on 1 page with notes... this is part of the answer to my Filofax dilemma... I will be doing another post about my new Filofax setups... stay tuned for that post... I also wanted to show you the items that I used to decorate my Filofaxes for the week...
I used the Muji stamp and Pear Tart Memento ink dewdrop to stamp on my A5 diary... the Martha stewart dew dops and the wavy, blue and green washi tape are both from staples... the thin blue washi came in a set from Michael's...
in case you were wondering, here is what my completed pages for week 34 in my A5 looked like...
have a great week and keep your eyes out for the answer to my dilemma!!!
Leslie :-)
I added some of the Martha Stewart dew drops that I also picked up at Staples...I got the idea from Mary Drab to use the dew drops for reoccurring appointments or activities... this seems to be working well for me... here is how the layout looks for my personal Finsbury...
you may have noticed that I changed the inserts in my personal Filofax from a week on 2 pages to a week on 1 page with notes... this is part of the answer to my Filofax dilemma... I will be doing another post about my new Filofax setups... stay tuned for that post... I also wanted to show you the items that I used to decorate my Filofaxes for the week...
in case you were wondering, here is what my completed pages for week 34 in my A5 looked like...
have a great week and keep your eyes out for the answer to my dilemma!!!
Leslie :-)

Thursday, August 15, 2013
what is a girl to do?? a filofax dilemma
I have a bit of a dilemma... I say this is all seriousness... since the end of may, I have been obsessed with buying Filofaxes...I started with a pocket and quickly upgraded to a personal size... my obsession did not stop there with one pocket and one personal... I had to buy multiples of each... then I branched out and purchased a mini that I was going to use as my wallet... I also fell in love with the original style Filofaxes... the only draw back to the original in personal was a very short strap to close the Filofax and I need the longest strap possible (I love to STUFF my Filofaxes)... then I had my light bulb moment!! Why not get the original in A5 size?? that was the answer to my "original" dilemma... which brings me back to the whole point of this blog post....
my current Filofaxes
I am currently using 3 Filofaxes... they are my personal purple malden, my A5 patent purple original, and last but not least, my pocket black malden... I want to just say that I LOVE all THREE of these Filofaxes, which brings me to my dilemma... can I actually USE all 3 of them on a daily basis?...
I use my pocket as a wallet... I keep the diary updated with all my appointments and basic information, but I do need to sync up every night with the others... now let's discuss the personal and A5 situation... I am using them in the same way... they both have the same information... I like the size of the A5, but it is not portable... the personal is portable, but I already have my pocket with me, which means I am now carrying 2 filos with me... I would remove the pocket from the situation, but I think the personal is too big to use as a wallet... Can you see my problem??? I am searching high and low for an answer... if you have a suggestion that would help me out, I would love to hear it...please tell me what it is!!! I am begging!!! Hopefully, by the next time I post, I will have some sort of solution to this dilemma.

Sunday, August 11, 2013
filofax - week 32 completed
hey everyone - i'm trying to get into a groove and set up some sort of blogging schedule... I would like to have some sort of rhyme and reason for my posting... I thought I would start this week... I am looking to have a look at the week once they are completed... a look at how I am setting up and decorating for the next week... then I would like to do a post about my current set up or some other Filofax - related post... I might be adding a project life post in there as well... i'm still thinking that over...
so let's get on with my completed week...right now, I am using 3, yes 3, Filofaxes... I am trying to see which ones are going to work better for me... I have my original A5 in patent purple, my personal sized malden in purple and a pocket malden in black... for now I switched from using my mini chameleon as a wallet to my pocket malden... it has only been for a week, so i'm not sure if I will continue to use it as a wallet or not... now that I covered all that ;-), here are my weeks:
First up is my A5 original in patent purple:
I like how much information I can store on the A5 week-on-2-pages. Next is my personal malden in purple...
I can still have a good amount of information on this layout... finally, I will show my completed pocket-sized black malden...
so there you have it... all 3 of my nice and full weeks... I am going to be back tomorrow with my weekly decoration for the upcoming week... have a great day!!!
leslie :-)
so let's get on with my completed week...right now, I am using 3, yes 3, Filofaxes... I am trying to see which ones are going to work better for me... I have my original A5 in patent purple, my personal sized malden in purple and a pocket malden in black... for now I switched from using my mini chameleon as a wallet to my pocket malden... it has only been for a week, so i'm not sure if I will continue to use it as a wallet or not... now that I covered all that ;-), here are my weeks:
First up is my A5 original in patent purple:
I like how much information I can store on the A5 week-on-2-pages. Next is my personal malden in purple...
I can still have a good amount of information on this layout... finally, I will show my completed pocket-sized black malden...
so there you have it... all 3 of my nice and full weeks... I am going to be back tomorrow with my weekly decoration for the upcoming week... have a great day!!!
leslie :-)

Friday, August 9, 2013
Pocket Pink Finsbury Filofax
hey everyone... sorry it has been so long since our last blog post... things have been crazy on the home front, since summer camp has ended... we have been doing some Filofax shopping... I got a pink Pocket Finsbury for Lizzy... it finally arrived... she also posted her first video on youtube today... it was an unboxing video of her new Filofax... she did a great job!! check out her video here:
i hope you enjoy her first video. she has been getting some very nice comments and it is really great!!! thanks so much!!
in case you don't check out the video, here is a picture of her new Filofax:
i hope that everyone has a great night!!
leslie :-)
i hope you enjoy her first video. she has been getting some very nice comments and it is really great!!! thanks so much!!
in case you don't check out the video, here is a picture of her new Filofax:
i hope that everyone has a great night!!
leslie :-)

Monday, July 29, 2013
Week 31 Filofax Setup
hey everyone... it has been a while since I posted here... summer is finally in full swing at my house... if it wasn't for my Filofax, I wouldn't know if I was coming or going... I always think I have time to relax in the summer, but who am I kidding... the kids are always running somewhere and the sports are never ending... it seems like every sport goes all year round... what happened to seasons... football in the fall, basketball in the winter and lacrosse in the spring... not anymore... football starts the Friday before my little guys' last lacrosse tournament... well enough of my ranting... now onto my Filofax goodness...
before I get to my current week's setup, I just have to say that I am soooo in love with my personal sized malden!!! it has to be my favorite Filofax yet... I carry everything in my Filofax and I am still able to close it easily with one hand... to me that is the test of a good Filofax... now I also want to just throw out there that I just ordered my first A5- sized Filofax... it just shipped today... I have been going back and forth on getting an A5, so I just went for it... as soon as it comes I will do a review for you... FINALLY onto this week's setup...
I went with a GREEN theme... I purchased a 2-pack of washi tape from Michael's... it was cute that I just had to use it immediately... I ordered that cute little sticker from ebay... it was in a 6 pack on Korean diary stickers... here is a look at how busy last week was...
I hope you enjoyed catching up with me... i'm am trying to make an effort to be more timely with my blog posts... until next time...
Leslie :-)
before I get to my current week's setup, I just have to say that I am soooo in love with my personal sized malden!!! it has to be my favorite Filofax yet... I carry everything in my Filofax and I am still able to close it easily with one hand... to me that is the test of a good Filofax... now I also want to just throw out there that I just ordered my first A5- sized Filofax... it just shipped today... I have been going back and forth on getting an A5, so I just went for it... as soon as it comes I will do a review for you... FINALLY onto this week's setup...
I went with a GREEN theme... I purchased a 2-pack of washi tape from Michael's... it was cute that I just had to use it immediately... I ordered that cute little sticker from ebay... it was in a 6 pack on Korean diary stickers... here is a look at how busy last week was...
and a look at my week 30 from my pocket chameleon...
I hope you enjoyed catching up with me... i'm am trying to make an effort to be more timely with my blog posts... until next time...
Leslie :-)

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Comparing Finsbury to Chameleon Pocket-sized Filofaxes
hey everyone... it has been a few days since I have moved into my pocket chameleon from my pocket Finsbury Filofax... there are a few things that stood out to me about how different they are... each have their good points and then their o.k. points... neither has an issue that would stop me for using or buying the filos, but I just want to throw it out there... I posted a video on YouTube going through both the Finsbury and the chameleon... You should check out our channel... it is Teamfilofax719... now onto the comparison...
here they are side by side...the Finsbury is the black binder and the raspberry on the right is the chameleon... both styles in this size are flexible... I happen to love the raspberry color of the chameleon, but I am sooo on a raspberry kick right now... Now onto the inside...
the inside of the filos have a few differences... The Finsbury has 2 pockets and a 3rd which is mesh... he chameleon has 5 pockets... The entire inside of the chameleon is leather and themfinsbury has some fabric behind the pockets... Both have a deep pockets running vertically behind the card slot pockets... now onto the back...
both filos also have a zippered pocket the entire back cover... there is a tiny difference between. both the models... The chameleon has a covered zipper, while the finsbury's zipper is out in the open... Both pockets are flexible and easy to get into... now all of the differences that I have listed so far would not make me decide not to get either of the binders... My next difference might not be so tough to overlook...
now that brings me to the ring size... I was very surprised at how small the rings were in the chameleon Filofax than in the Finsbury... the chameleon rings were the same size that the mini chameleon has... I had to remove some sections out of the chameleon in order for me to be able to turn pages with out ripping them... I'm still using it for now... I'm waiting to see how long it takes me before I move back into the Finsbury...
well, I hope you liked this overview of both pocket sized Filofaxes... This is just my opinions on each of these Filofaxes and what seemstomwork well for me... I hope you find it useful... I off to bed now... We are heading into new York City tomorrow to visit the Flofax section of Sam Flax... hopefully we do not do too much damaged to my pocketbook, but who am I kidding... Of course we will... Have a great night... See you soon...
Leslie :-)

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Decorating my Filofax - Week #29
Hey everyone - just here to show you the decoration for week # 29. I can't believe how fast this year is going. We are already 1/2 way through July and it still feels like I'm in May!!! I spent most of the day catching up on my Project Life (with the help of my Filofax, of course). If it wasn't for my Filofax, I would be hopelessly behind!! At least I'm caught up to week #26!! Now enough of that!! Now back to the Filofax stuff!! Here are my decorated pages... See you soon!!!
Leslie :-)
Leslie :-)

Friday, July 12, 2013
Another New Filofax
hey everyone... just here to show you my new filofax!!! I am soooo excited... on sunday night I was looking though the pens and leather website... www.pensandleather.com. I came across a Raspberry Saffiano Personal sized filofax... There was only 1 left, so I pulled out the credit card and ordered... What else is a girl to do??? Now fast forward to Thursday, my mailman brought me a little present... My new Filofax arrived... I wanted to do an unboxing or bagging in my case... I had to wait to do a video until this morning...fast forward to this morning... I finally did my unboxing video... I was very happy and pleasantly surprised with the color of the binder... It does have a two-tone thing going on... the outer portion of the binder is a more purpley color than the fabric lining on the inside of the binder... I'm ok with that... here is a photo of how pretty she is...
hey everyone... just here to show you my new filofax!!! I am soooo excited... on sunday night I was looking though the pens and leather website... www.pensandleather.com. I came across a Raspberry Saffiano Personal sized filofax... There was only 1 left, so I pulled out the credit card and ordered... What else is a girl to do??? Now fast forward to Thursday, my mailman brought me a little present... My new Filofax arrived... I wanted to do an unboxing or bagging in my case... I had to wait to do a video until this morning...fast forward to this morning... I finally did my unboxing video... I was very happy and pleasantly surprised with the color of the binder... It does have a two-tone thing going on... the outer portion of the binder is a more purpley color than the fabric lining on the inside of the binder... I'm ok with that... here is a photo of how pretty she is...
also, check us out on our YouTube channel: teamfilofax719.
Thanks for stopping by!! Talk to you soon!!!
Leslie :-)
also, check us out on our YouTube channel: teamfilofax719.
Thanks for stopping by!! Talk to you soon!!!
Leslie :-)

Monday, July 8, 2013
my latest edition to my growing filofax family...
hey everyone... it has been a while since I blogged on here... this is the busiest time for my family... my 2 sons play on travel lacrosse teams and when I say travel, I mean travel... we will be in 3 different states every weekend... my daughter is in lacrosse camp for the month of july... she is also camping with her girl scout troop in july as well... all I can say is, thank goodness for my Filofax!!! I would not know if I was coming or going without it...
this weekend (in between lacrosse games) I managed to find a store about 40 mins away from me that carries Filofaxes... I called ahead to see what personal filo's they happened to have in stock. she said a black and a purple-pink one... I asked to hold the purple-pink one and rushed there not caring what type of filo that it was... when I arrived at the writing place (which is the name of the store) I was super excited to see that the purple-pink filo was actually a raspberry metropol!!! just the day before I was searching the internet for that same Filofax... the Filofax Gods were smiling down on us, because we also found a pocket-size mode for my daughter... it was aqua and raspberry and the cutest little filo I had ever seen! we walked out of there with 2 filos that cost $70 usd... this was one of the best days Filofax shopping that we have had!!! we will be posting reviews of the latest editions to our growing collection.... here is a little sneak peek at them!!!
see you soon!!!
leslie :-)
this weekend (in between lacrosse games) I managed to find a store about 40 mins away from me that carries Filofaxes... I called ahead to see what personal filo's they happened to have in stock. she said a black and a purple-pink one... I asked to hold the purple-pink one and rushed there not caring what type of filo that it was... when I arrived at the writing place (which is the name of the store) I was super excited to see that the purple-pink filo was actually a raspberry metropol!!! just the day before I was searching the internet for that same Filofax... the Filofax Gods were smiling down on us, because we also found a pocket-size mode for my daughter... it was aqua and raspberry and the cutest little filo I had ever seen! we walked out of there with 2 filos that cost $70 usd... this was one of the best days Filofax shopping that we have had!!! we will be posting reviews of the latest editions to our growing collection.... here is a little sneak peek at them!!!
see you soon!!!
leslie :-)

Saturday, June 29, 2013
mini filofax haul & giveaway
hey everyone... it was a crazy, busy day today... all morning and early afternoon was spent on the lacrosse field... it seems that is what I do EVERY weekend...but there was a pleasant surprise waiting for me when I came home...my jetpens order arrived... it was not a big order, but it had some items that I have been looking forward to getting...
I have been going crazy for the frixion multi-pen... I also ordered the frixion slim for my daughter in black... I also ordered 2 more of the frixion slim pens for a giveaway we are planning on doing for youtube once we hit 100 subscribers... we are getting close... the giveaway will be open to only subscribers, so head on over to our youtube channel, which is teamfilofax719 and subscribe!!! I have to run and work on catching up on my project life... I am 3 weeks behind, which isn't too bad, but I was caught up and don't want to get any further behind!! enjoy your Saturday night!!!
leslie :-)
I have been going crazy for the frixion multi-pen... I also ordered the frixion slim for my daughter in black... I also ordered 2 more of the frixion slim pens for a giveaway we are planning on doing for youtube once we hit 100 subscribers... we are getting close... the giveaway will be open to only subscribers, so head on over to our youtube channel, which is teamfilofax719 and subscribe!!! I have to run and work on catching up on my project life... I am 3 weeks behind, which isn't too bad, but I was caught up and don't want to get any further behind!! enjoy your Saturday night!!!
leslie :-)

Thursday, June 27, 2013
my color coding system for my filofax - part 2
hey everyone... back with part 2 of my color coding system... sorry i'm posting this so late today, but I spent the day at the beach with my kids... it was a gorgeous day and they had so much fun... now onto my monthly calendar...
for the monthly calendar, I list the appointment in the color that I use for that person... for example, all of my appointments will be listed in purple using my frixion pens... my daughter will be listed in the pink frixion pen and so on... I do not use my market dots on the monthly calendars, just the daily one... just in case I didn't mention it anywhere else, I am using franklin covey month on 2 pages insert in original, compact size... that is all for today... please leave a comment if there are any topics you would like to see us cover... see you soon!!
for the monthly calendar, I list the appointment in the color that I use for that person... for example, all of my appointments will be listed in purple using my frixion pens... my daughter will be listed in the pink frixion pen and so on... I do not use my market dots on the monthly calendars, just the daily one... just in case I didn't mention it anywhere else, I am using franklin covey month on 2 pages insert in original, compact size... that is all for today... please leave a comment if there are any topics you would like to see us cover... see you soon!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
my color coding system for my filofax
yesterday I posted a video on our you tube channel on how I color code stuff in my Filofax... if you missed it, I will do a little review here on the blog... I wanted to post this earlier, but it has been a very busy week with it being the first week my kids are off from school... I can't believe the school year has ended and summer is here... it went a little too fast for my liking... anyways onto my color code system...
right after my daily tab in my Filofax I have a color code page that I can refer to when planning out my day... I have it broken into 2 sections: one for my daily calendar, which is the 2PPW Filofax pages and the other which is the franklin covey 2PPM tabbed pages... they are similar, but I do color code them in a slightly different way...
for my daily pages, I write all appointments and to do's in the same color. based on who the appointment is for, I will color code it using my markit dots... these have to be one of my
favorite Filofax goodies... you can get them on their website www.markitdots.com ... I ordered mine on amazon...
this is how it looks all put together...
I will post tomorrow on how I color code my monthly tabs... see you then!!
right after my daily tab in my Filofax I have a color code page that I can refer to when planning out my day... I have it broken into 2 sections: one for my daily calendar, which is the 2PPW Filofax pages and the other which is the franklin covey 2PPM tabbed pages... they are similar, but I do color code them in a slightly different way...
for my daily pages, I write all appointments and to do's in the same color. based on who the appointment is for, I will color code it using my markit dots... these have to be one of my
favorite Filofax goodies... you can get them on their website www.markitdots.com ... I ordered mine on amazon...
this is how it looks all put together...
I will post tomorrow on how I color code my monthly tabs... see you then!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013
setting up for week #26
hey everyone... I thought I would take you through my process a little bit... this is a very broad overview of what I do... first thing that I do is gather all of the supplies that i plan on using for this week...
the next step is to remove all of the notes on the flyleaf from the previous week and stick them to that weeks pages... then I remove the sheets for the upcoming week...
i then get out my muji stamp... i have to say that this so far has been the BEST purchase that i have made... don't get me wrong, i love my love all my post-its, tabs, stickers, pens, & washi, but this helps me the most... i love to have a list of things that i need to accomplish for that day... i was just drawing check boxes and writing my tasks down... it looked very messy... this was the answer that i was looking for... i saw a post from jen at www.mypurpleylife.com where she used this stamp... i ordered it right on the spot... if you are a list maker, you should look into this little stamp... check it out here http://www.muji.us/store/acrylic-stamp-for-check-list.html
i then use a memento dew drop ink pad in grey flannel to stamp each day of the week... i do not stamp a checklist for sunday, because the monthly calendar is listed there... i then add any tabs stickers or appointments onto the pages and add them back into my binder... here is what a new week looks like...
there is a video of this process on you tube... visit our channel there teamfilofax719... i hope you enjoy!!! see you soon!!
the next step is to remove all of the notes on the flyleaf from the previous week and stick them to that weeks pages... then I remove the sheets for the upcoming week...
i then get out my muji stamp... i have to say that this so far has been the BEST purchase that i have made... don't get me wrong, i love my love all my post-its, tabs, stickers, pens, & washi, but this helps me the most... i love to have a list of things that i need to accomplish for that day... i was just drawing check boxes and writing my tasks down... it looked very messy... this was the answer that i was looking for... i saw a post from jen at www.mypurpleylife.com where she used this stamp... i ordered it right on the spot... if you are a list maker, you should look into this little stamp... check it out here http://www.muji.us/store/acrylic-stamp-for-check-list.html
there is a video of this process on you tube... visit our channel there teamfilofax719... i hope you enjoy!!! see you soon!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013
meet the newest member...
i would like to introduce you to the newest member of my Filofax collection... lila... she is such a beautiful lavender metropol in pocket size... I was very happy with the service from the Filofax.usa website... I placed my order on June 20th and it arrived in the mail today (6/22)... it was a very nice treat to receive her today... as soon as i set her up, i will share her with you... enjoy the rest of your weekend... and don't forget to stop on by our you tube channel teamfilofax719 and watch her unboxing video... l

Thursday, June 20, 2013
my pocket finsbury i use as a wallet
hello... back again with another post... this time i'm going to show you how i use my pocket size finsbury as a wallet... i thought that i would give it a try and i actually really like using a small planner as a wallet... if you are willing to sync up both planners than this might be something to look into... let me take you through "Walter" ( that is what i lovingly call my pocket finsbury)...
the pocket size finsbury has 2 card slots, which i keep my 2 credit cards, my health insurance card and prescription card... there is also a mesh pocket where i have my driver's license... there is a full pocket where i keep my stamps, receipts are other random pieces that i need to hold onto... in the front i keep 2 top-loading envelopes one is where i keep pictures and the other has gift cards and coupons...
next i have the filofax assorted sticky note insert... it is the perfect fit and i found replacement flags at staples that i can just add when i run out...
i have my flyleaf with some sticky notes that i have for shopping lists and other stuff that i change regularly... next up is my diary inserts...
i use the 2PPW diary... i only put appointments here... my personal filofax holds all my information... this just keep track of my schedule and i am able to have that with me at all times... i do check both planners every night and make sure that they are both on the same page... this could be considered time consuming, but i really enjoy "playing" with my planners, so i don't mind...i keep a page finder at the current week and a translucent arrow pointing to the current day...
i use the other sections just to keep notes or jot down any tasks that i think of when i am out and about without my personal planner... i did alter the A-Z tabs and made them monthly tabs using an ombre paper from a 6x6 paper pad and labeled them with the months... then i printed out one month per page sheets from the philofaxy website and glued them to the tabs...
i added a zippered envelope in the back, where i keep another small post-it note pad and post-it flags... the next 2 parts of the binder are my favorites...
the zippered pocket by the pen loop is where i keep my change...i try not to hold onto too much change so that my binder does not get bulky...i also use a bic multi pen in lt. blue, pink, purple, & green... it helps to continue my color-code system in this planner... last but not least is a pocket that runs the entire length of the binder and this is where i keep my money...
this is really is a good system, that i am enjoying... have a great day!!!
the pocket size finsbury has 2 card slots, which i keep my 2 credit cards, my health insurance card and prescription card... there is also a mesh pocket where i have my driver's license... there is a full pocket where i keep my stamps, receipts are other random pieces that i need to hold onto... in the front i keep 2 top-loading envelopes one is where i keep pictures and the other has gift cards and coupons...
next i have the filofax assorted sticky note insert... it is the perfect fit and i found replacement flags at staples that i can just add when i run out...
i have my flyleaf with some sticky notes that i have for shopping lists and other stuff that i change regularly... next up is my diary inserts...
i use the 2PPW diary... i only put appointments here... my personal filofax holds all my information... this just keep track of my schedule and i am able to have that with me at all times... i do check both planners every night and make sure that they are both on the same page... this could be considered time consuming, but i really enjoy "playing" with my planners, so i don't mind...i keep a page finder at the current week and a translucent arrow pointing to the current day...
i use the other sections just to keep notes or jot down any tasks that i think of when i am out and about without my personal planner... i did alter the A-Z tabs and made them monthly tabs using an ombre paper from a 6x6 paper pad and labeled them with the months... then i printed out one month per page sheets from the philofaxy website and glued them to the tabs...
i added a zippered envelope in the back, where i keep another small post-it note pad and post-it flags... the next 2 parts of the binder are my favorites...
the zippered pocket by the pen loop is where i keep my change...i try not to hold onto too much change so that my binder does not get bulky...i also use a bic multi pen in lt. blue, pink, purple, & green... it helps to continue my color-code system in this planner... last but not least is a pocket that runs the entire length of the binder and this is where i keep my money...
this is really is a good system, that i am enjoying... have a great day!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
my aqua saffiano setup - part #2
hey everyone... i am back with part 2 of my filofax setup... i am currently using my personal sized saffiano in aqua and i can't stop saying how much i love this binder... i have soooo much stuff in there and i can still easily close it... so let's continue with the set up...
the next section is my notes section... in there i have my to do pages that came with the filofax... i use this for a general to do list for the month... once i have completed the task, i check it off and cross it off with a highlighter... i keep all my unused pages clipped together with a cute magnetic paper clip... i also keep my wish lists in this section also...
next up is my projects section... i use post it tabs on the top of the pages to break it into 5 sections... they are: project life, scrapbooking, copic, you tube, & blog... i really like breaking this tab into these sections... it is helping me stay more organized and on top of my projects...
this section is for my personal information... this is also broken into smaller groups with more tabs on the top of the pages... there are tabs for: family information, website tracker, car information, & travel information...
my final tab is for my addresses... i have a business card holder for important business cards (i.e. doctor office, vet, insurance company, pediatrician, etc...) i also have behind that my A-Z tabs. behind each tab i have 2 contact sheets that came with the binder... i am thinking about removing the A-Z tabs... i'll let you know what i decide to do...
last but not least are my FC 2PPM pages... i really love the layout of these... they are slightly bigger than the rest of the FF pages but they fit with out a problem in my saffiano... i also use a color code system on the 2PPM sheets as well... it is a little different from the color code system that i use on my weekly pages...
at the end of my binder is some sticker sheets from sticko brand that i got at michaels... i love these because they are small and they come pre-punched to fit in a personal sized FF... i also have a day runner envelope that is empty at the moment... i'm sure i will find a use for it ;-) ... the binder also came with a notepad that fits perfectly into the back pocket on the saffiano...
i hoped you enjoyed the tour through my saffiano... see you soon!!
the next section is my notes section... in there i have my to do pages that came with the filofax... i use this for a general to do list for the month... once i have completed the task, i check it off and cross it off with a highlighter... i keep all my unused pages clipped together with a cute magnetic paper clip... i also keep my wish lists in this section also...
next up is my projects section... i use post it tabs on the top of the pages to break it into 5 sections... they are: project life, scrapbooking, copic, you tube, & blog... i really like breaking this tab into these sections... it is helping me stay more organized and on top of my projects...
this section is for my personal information... this is also broken into smaller groups with more tabs on the top of the pages... there are tabs for: family information, website tracker, car information, & travel information...
my final tab is for my addresses... i have a business card holder for important business cards (i.e. doctor office, vet, insurance company, pediatrician, etc...) i also have behind that my A-Z tabs. behind each tab i have 2 contact sheets that came with the binder... i am thinking about removing the A-Z tabs... i'll let you know what i decide to do...
last but not least are my FC 2PPM pages... i really love the layout of these... they are slightly bigger than the rest of the FF pages but they fit with out a problem in my saffiano... i also use a color code system on the 2PPM sheets as well... it is a little different from the color code system that i use on my weekly pages...
at the end of my binder is some sticker sheets from sticko brand that i got at michaels... i love these because they are small and they come pre-punched to fit in a personal sized FF... i also have a day runner envelope that is empty at the moment... i'm sure i will find a use for it ;-) ... the binder also came with a notepad that fits perfectly into the back pocket on the saffiano...
i hoped you enjoyed the tour through my saffiano... see you soon!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
my aqua saffiano setup - part #1
i just have to start off by saying that i LOVE my personal size saffiano... it is the softest planner that i have seen... (still waiting on a malden)...i can not believe how much i can fit into it... and i have ALOT in there... you can head over to my YOU TUBE channel to see a video on my set up... my channel is teamfilofax719 ... please stop on by and subscribe...
for those of you who do not like to visit on you tube, here are some pictures of my saffiano...
this is the inside cover... the black sheet is a heavy duty plastic that i took from an old FC planner that i had decades ago (and i mean decades!!) i glued a bookmark from barnes and noble on it to dress it up a bit...
next is an open envelope that came with the saffiano and a bookmark with transparent arrows on it... this is one of my favorite purchases so far... it was only $1.95... i was very happy... you can also see an old zipper pocket from FC that i have some post it flags and martha stewart dew drops...
now is the back of the zipper envelope and my flyleaf with some stickers in front of the 2013 year at a glance page...
this is my weekly view... i use the 2PPW dairy refill from FF... i also have a clear page finder and a flyleaf in between both weeks... i use the muji stamp for my to do lists... i was having a hard time using this layout until i got the stamp... i am just able to organize it better... i guess that is my OCD kicking in... if i run out of room, i use a smash pad sheet to write more notes on... i stick it to the flyleaf using washi tape and then when it time to move onto the next week, i just stick onto the weekly pages...
i have been using the 2PPW pages for a few weeks now and i am adjusting... i am actually liking it... i was a FC 2PPD girl for a VERY long time and thought that i would give the FF pages a shot and i am really liking it...
come on back tomorrow and i will go through the rest of my binder and my other goodies that i have stashed in there... see you tomorrow
leslie :-)
for those of you who do not like to visit on you tube, here are some pictures of my saffiano...
this is the inside cover... the black sheet is a heavy duty plastic that i took from an old FC planner that i had decades ago (and i mean decades!!) i glued a bookmark from barnes and noble on it to dress it up a bit...
next is an open envelope that came with the saffiano and a bookmark with transparent arrows on it... this is one of my favorite purchases so far... it was only $1.95... i was very happy... you can also see an old zipper pocket from FC that i have some post it flags and martha stewart dew drops...
now is the back of the zipper envelope and my flyleaf with some stickers in front of the 2013 year at a glance page...
this is my weekly view... i use the 2PPW dairy refill from FF... i also have a clear page finder and a flyleaf in between both weeks... i use the muji stamp for my to do lists... i was having a hard time using this layout until i got the stamp... i am just able to organize it better... i guess that is my OCD kicking in... if i run out of room, i use a smash pad sheet to write more notes on... i stick it to the flyleaf using washi tape and then when it time to move onto the next week, i just stick onto the weekly pages...
i have been using the 2PPW pages for a few weeks now and i am adjusting... i am actually liking it... i was a FC 2PPD girl for a VERY long time and thought that i would give the FF pages a shot and i am really liking it...
come on back tomorrow and i will go through the rest of my binder and my other goodies that i have stashed in there... see you tomorrow
leslie :-)

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