hey everyone... it has been a few days since I have moved into my pocket chameleon from my pocket Finsbury Filofax... there are a few things that stood out to me about how different they are... each have their good points and then their o.k. points... neither has an issue that would stop me for using or buying the filos, but I just want to throw it out there... I posted a video on YouTube going through both the Finsbury and the chameleon... You should check out our channel... it is Teamfilofax719... now onto the comparison...

here they are side by side...the Finsbury is the black binder and the raspberry on the right is the chameleon... both styles in this size are flexible... I happen to love the raspberry color of the chameleon, but I am sooo on a raspberry kick right now... Now onto the inside...
the inside of the filos have a few differences... The Finsbury has 2 pockets and a 3rd which is mesh... he chameleon has 5 pockets... The entire inside of the chameleon is leather and themfinsbury has some fabric behind the pockets... Both have a deep pockets running vertically behind the card slot pockets... now onto the back...

both filos also have a zippered pocket the entire back cover... there is a tiny difference between. both the models... The chameleon has a covered zipper, while the finsbury's zipper is out in the open... Both pockets are flexible and easy to get into... now all of the differences that I have listed so far would not make me decide not to get either of the binders... My next difference might not be so tough to overlook...

now that brings me to the ring size... I was very surprised at how small the rings were in the chameleon Filofax than in the Finsbury... the chameleon rings were the same size that the mini chameleon has... I had to remove some sections out of the chameleon in order for me to be able to turn pages with out ripping them... I'm still using it for now... I'm waiting to see how long it takes me before I move back into the Finsbury...
well, I hope you liked this overview of both pocket sized Filofaxes... This is just my opinions on each of these Filofaxes and what seemstomwork well for me... I hope you find it useful... I off to bed now... We are heading into new York City tomorrow to visit the Flofax section of Sam Flax... hopefully we do not do too much damaged to my pocketbook, but who am I kidding... Of course we will... Have a great night... See you soon...
Leslie :-)